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Counter Strike (CSS) is a competitive first person shooter for the PC, which is strictly for online playback not really missing at all. Although it was originally available as a free mod for Half-Life, now fully paid product on Steam.
What Counter Strike?
Counter-Strike Source is a remakethe original Half-Life mod, built in nicer Source engine. Interestingly, the original designer fashion is StudiosKomanda turtle, later known as kreatoraLeft 4 Dead game.
Counter Strike game remains unchanged. It focused FPS shooter throws a toy as special forces or terroriststo fight with each other, trying to do some tasks (managing hostages retained as hostages, for example) to perform. The ultimate goal is to vinnendan other team more rounds.
Note: Play five minutes Counter-Strike: Source, and it is possible that life vashsotsialne past. Counter Strike charm lies utimskiwork and strategy to win. This makes the relationship quickly (as a negative position of peat) to form your team. You feel like you are fighting for a cause, whether it’s save the world or destroy it. All this Counter Strike is a high water mark for competitive online games.
Lifting required series
duck biggest attractionsCounter-Strike: Source map to. Most of these remakes of the original regime (as de_nuke and de_inferno). But whether new or old, every challenge maps in CSSuči to dominate find it use all the hidden fire, bug holes and verzekeren.Nee to victory, it is not cheating the game.
Such asmentioned earlier, the CS uses the Source engine (as seen in the Half-Life 2). The result is a visually powerful, extensible and customizable game with the ability to achieve such voegenHDR that normalnividobrazhennia cards, and even physics from Havok physics engine.
Fortunately, at that moment the old CSSso even withthis visual corrections need a powerful computer to enjoy the game.
Counter Strike is the first in a series of only a platform for the steam valve. This is a major step forward in the field of online games, but many users on the basis of No-Steam version of Counter-Strike: Source. We recommend not closedpalitsiuofitsiinoiu version.
Are you ready to understand his success?
Counter Strike is the best in the series, and the best entry for new players. radoznaozašto this series has so many followers? There is no need to continue to see, download now.
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